Jul 12, 2017

Statistics for your digital strategy - Financial Brand

Digital Advertising
1.) In 2017, TV ad spending will total $72.01 billion, or 35.8% of total media investments in the US. Meanwhile, total digital ad spending will equal $77.37 billion, or 38.4% of total ad spending. (Source: eMarketer.)
2.) Google and Facebook dominate the digital advertising space with a combined share of 57.6%. Nearly .60¢ of every dollar spent in the digital space goes to these two companies. (Source: Visual Capitalist.)
3.) The cost of digital advertising is rising 5x faster than inflation in the U.S., and 71% faster than the cost of TV ads. (Source: ADI.)
4.) The average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is 0.06%. (Source: HubSpot.)
5.) Native ads are viewed 53% more than banner ads. (Source: HubSpot.)
6.) The CTR for native ads is more than double regular display ads — 0.33% for mobile, and 0.16% desktop. (Source: Business Insider.)
7.) A delay of one second in landing page response time can result in a 7% drop in conversions. (Source: Kissmetrics.)
8.) Consumers who are retargeted in digital channels are 70% more likely to convert.(Source: HubSpot.)
9.) Usage of online ad blockers has increased 30% in the last year, and ad blocking on mobile devices has surged 90% year-over-year. (Source: PageFair.)
1o.) 18% of online users in the US have installed ad blockers. (Source: PageFair.)
11.) There are over 300 million mobile devices and 236 million desktop devices that currently have ad blocking software installed. (Source: PageFair.)
12.) Ad fraud will likely to exceed $50 billion globally by 2025, second only to the drug trade as a source of illegal income. (Source: World Federation of Advertisers.)

Mobile Marketing
13.) In October 2016, web browsing on mobile devices overtook desktop browsing.(Source: StatCounter.)
14.) As of May 2015, more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on desktops in the US. (Source: Google.)
15.) Marketing in the mobile channel now makes up 21% of online spending, up from a mere 4% in 2010. (Source: comScore.)
16.) 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing, and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead. (Source: Google.)
17.) 84% of mobile marketers believe they’re providing a positive experience. Less than half of consumers report their experience was positive. (Source: Unlockd.)
18.) 83% of mobile users say that a seamless experience across all devices is very important. (Source: Wolfgang Jaegel)
19.) Mobile apps convert 100% to 300% better than mobile websites. (Source: Criteo.)
20.) 39% of searches for banking related products were initiated on a mobile device.(Source: Hitwise.)
21.) 53% of mobile pages are abandoned if longer than 3 seconds to load. (Source: DoubleClick.)

Content Marketing
22.) Content marketing is the digital strategy most favored by marketers today. One in five say it is their top method for generating leads. (Source: Smart Insights.)
23.) 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing. They spend an average of 25% of their budget on it, and 75% plan to increase their spending. (Source: Demand Metric.)
24.) Per dollar spent, content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing. (Source: Demand Metric.)
25.) Conversion rates are six times higher for companies and brands using content marketing than those that aren’t — 2.9% vs. 0.5%, respectively. (Source: Aberdeen Group.)
26.) Companies that publish at least 16 blog posts per month get almost 3.5 times more traffic than companies that publish four monthly posts or fewer. (Source: HubSpot.)
27.) On average, long-form blog posts with over 1,000 words generate 9x more leads than short-form posts. (Source: Curata.)
28.) 70% of people would rather learn about a company through articles rather than an advertisement. (Source: Demand Metric.)
29.) 85% of content marketers cited paid distribution, such as social media, PPC, and native ads as the most effective content marketing tactic above organic efforts. (Source: eMarketer.)
30.) One-third of marketing executives will hire more SEO and content professionals in the coming year. (Source: Conductor.)

Email Marketing
31.) Email has a median ROI of 122% – more than four times higher than other marketing formats, including social media, direct mail and paid search. (Source: Direct Marketing Association.)
32.) For every dollar spent on email marketing, an average of $44 dollar return on investment is realized. (Source: Campaign Monitor.)
33.) The average white collar professional sends and receives 121 emails a day. (Source: The Radicati Group.)
34.) Over one-third of consumers (34%) only use their mobile devices to read emails.(Source: Informz.)
35.) Segmented email campaigns have an open rate that is 14.32% higher than non-segmented campaigns. (Source: Mailchimp.)
36.) The open rate for emails with a personalized message averages 18.8%, as compared to 13.1% without any personalization. (Source: Statista.)
37.) Personalized email messages improve click-through rates and conversions by over 10%. (Source: Aberdeen.)
38.) Emails with a responsive design get 24% more clicks on mobile, but only 17% of marketers are using responsive design in their emails. (Source: YesMail.)
39.) Only 47% of marketers are fully optimizing the snippet text in their emails for easy reading on mobile devices. (Source: Salesforce Marketing Cloud.)

Social Media Marketing
40.) Online adults ages 18-34 are most likely follow a brand on a social media platform.(Source: MarketingSherpa.)
41.) 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others. (Source: Ambassador.)
42.) Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Source:HubSpot.)
43.) Four out of every 5 minutes of social media time is spent on mobile devices. (Source: ComScore.)
44.) Gen X (ages 35-49) spend the most time on social media — 6 hours and 58 minutes per week. Millennials (ages 18-34) came in second, spending 6 hours and 19 minutes of their time per week on social networks. (Source: Nielsen.)
45.) When social media is part of their buyer’s journey, customers tend to convert at a 129% higher rate, and they are four times as likely to spend significantly more than those without a social component. (Source: Deloitte.)
46.) Reading or social media reviews and online comments influence the shopping behavior of 67% of consumers. (PwC).
47.) Tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets. (Source: Buffer.)
48.) Image posts on Facebook 179% more interaction (likes, comments, shares) than an average post. Posts ending with a question get 162% more interactions. (Source: Facebook.)

Search Engine Marketing
49.) 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. (Source: Vimeo.)
50.) Three out of four consumers never scroll past the first page of search results.(Source: Search Engine Journal.)
51.) 30% of all mobile searches are related to location. (Source: Google.)
52.) Half of those who conduct a local search on their smartphone visit a nearby physical location within a day, and 34% who searched on computer/tablet did the same. (Source: HubSpot.)
53.) Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links, and websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages. (Source: TechClient.)

54.) At least 70% of users ignore the paid ads that appear above Google’s organic search results. (Source: imForza.)

Oct 13, 2015

Pepsico thinks she found the solution for mobile marketing: PEPSI P1 Smartphone

Pepsi tries harder than enough to find a new route for marketing; they are about to launch a smartphone of their own: P1. As reports leak, on the 20th of October a smartphone with the name of Pepsi P1 will be launched with a price tag of 200 USD, probably with Pepsi apps that could not be deleted. It will not be a conspiracy to think that these phones will be tracked by Pepsi for marketing purposes. And we can easily say as tech costs continue to come down, devices will eventually become incentives for marketing oriented fmcg companies.

When you read the news you can easily notice that almost everyone is surprised by Pepsi's new smartphone P1:
Wait, is this for real?
Pepsi (Yes, the Soda Company) Will Sell İts Own Android Phone
Seriously, There İs a Pepsi Smartphone Coming Our Way
Prefer Pepsi over Coke? Good news: the Pepsi P1 smartphone is about to go on sale in China:

Oct 6, 2015

Sep 8, 2015

GSM Spectrum Distribution in Turkey after 4,5G tender

Communication Technologies Authority has concluded the 4g/5g tender in Turkey. After the bids spectrums held by three operators are close to each other. Turkcell owns the biggest share at 2100 mhz and 2600 mhz, while the sharings are close to each at lower frequencies. Avea owns the biggest share at 1800 mhz, Vodafone Turkey is not leading in any frequencies.

Jul 13, 2015

Smartphone business declining?

Even it is not free falling as fast as the telco operators, several reports/news are pointing a decline on the smartphone business.
Nowadays everyone is sure that telco is not the "business of the future" anymore and sustainable growth is nowhere to be found. Biggest rivalry for the telcos were supposed to be coming from phone producers; they were the motor behind the dynamic T.I.M.E. market. Smartphones were meant "data usage" which has become the new cash milk for the telecom operators.
Although they had no chance to increase their shares, Nokia, Microsoft, Motorola, Blackberry were happy to be in the smartphone market and their earnings were increasing in-line with the expansion of the market. But now every phone brand is quickly becoming a commodity. Even Apple, the true winners of "cellphone wars", will eventually see a decline in their growth.
* Microsoft is almost closing their mobile phone business; What does Microsoft's $7.6bn, 7,800-person layoff meanfor Windows Phone?
* HTC recorded the second lowest revenue total that has been reported since 2007 2015 has been absolutely gruesome for HTC
* The Long Slow Decline Of Sony's Xperia Smartphones; http://www.forbes.com/sites/ewanspence/2015/02/05/sony-xperia-smartphone-future/
* And Samsung Sees Seventh Straight Profit Decline
All these reports are not suggesting bad management decisions. They only point the direction that phone manufacturing business has been going for the last few quarters.

Dec 12, 2014

2014 3rd Quarter Telecom market data for Turkey

Telecom institution has revealed Turkish Electronics Data for 3rd Quarter of 2014.

* Turkcell has clearly become the #1 telecom company in Turkey.
* PSTN usage keeps declining and there are 12.741.947 fixed lines subscribers as of 2014 3rd Q.* Arpu numbers are stable at around 23 Turkish liras.
* Text message usage (both for commercial use and individual use) keeps increasing and reached 177 billion with a 128% increase in 6 years.
* Mobile Penetration is around 93% as of September 2014
* Number of simcard embedded machines has reached to 2.4 million by September. 100% increase since 2012
* Turk Telecom is enroute to its lowest investment year. In 2013 total investments of Turk Telecom was 1.37 billion. Through 9 months it is 428 million Turkish Liras.
* TTNET is still owns more than half of the ISP market, and more than 65% of the broadband market.

Turkish version is here: http://www.btk.gov.tr/kutuphane_ve_veribankasi/pazar_verileri/ucaylik14_3.pdf
Unfortunately English version will be launched a few weeks after the Turkish. (2nd Q English version is here: http://eng.btk.gov.tr/kutuphane_ve_veribankasi/pazar_verileri/2014_Q2_ECM_MarketData.pdf

Dec 11, 2014

LendingClub's Path to IPO

Though it is a bit unrelated for this blog, LendingClub's ipo is one of its kind and has to be shared.
VC's has earned their dream money from this ipo and entrpreneurs would take out of box motivation reasons from the story of Lending Club.
Here (in EquityZen's infographic) you can see how the ipo (and the incomes of vc's) look like after day1.
Chech the story at: