Dec 12, 2014

2014 3rd Quarter Telecom market data for Turkey

Telecom institution has revealed Turkish Electronics Data for 3rd Quarter of 2014.

* Turkcell has clearly become the #1 telecom company in Turkey.
* PSTN usage keeps declining and there are 12.741.947 fixed lines subscribers as of 2014 3rd Q.* Arpu numbers are stable at around 23 Turkish liras.
* Text message usage (both for commercial use and individual use) keeps increasing and reached 177 billion with a 128% increase in 6 years.
* Mobile Penetration is around 93% as of September 2014
* Number of simcard embedded machines has reached to 2.4 million by September. 100% increase since 2012
* Turk Telecom is enroute to its lowest investment year. In 2013 total investments of Turk Telecom was 1.37 billion. Through 9 months it is 428 million Turkish Liras.
* TTNET is still owns more than half of the ISP market, and more than 65% of the broadband market.

Turkish version is here:
Unfortunately English version will be launched a few weeks after the Turkish. (2nd Q English version is here:

Dec 11, 2014

LendingClub's Path to IPO

Though it is a bit unrelated for this blog, LendingClub's ipo is one of its kind and has to be shared.
VC's has earned their dream money from this ipo and entrpreneurs would take out of box motivation reasons from the story of Lending Club.
Here (in EquityZen's infographic) you can see how the ipo (and the incomes of vc's) look like after day1.
Chech the story at: